Statements from Gov. Nikki Haley and Ambassador David Wilkins on SEUS-CP


Date: May 21, 2012
Location: Columbia, SC
Issues: Trade

As the State of South Carolina hosts the 5th Annual Southeastern U.S. - Canadian Provinces Alliance (SEUS-CP) trade conference, more than 300 Canadian and U.S. business and government leaders are meeting in Myrtle Beach this week.

SEUS-CP is a formal, strategic partnership between states in the southeastern United States and member provinces from Canada. Delegations convene annually for a business-to-business conference. Highlights include opportunities for collaboration, commercial exchanges and increased two-way trade. This year's program focuses on opportunities for companies in advanced manufacturing, technology and green economy sectors.

Governor Nikki Haley and former U.S. Ambassador to Canada David Wilkins, who served as Speaker of the South Carolina House of Representatives, today released the following statements on the 5th Annual Southeastern U.S. - Canadian Provinces Alliance (SEUS-CP) trade conference:

"We are thrilled to welcome the Southeastern U.S. - Canadian Provinces trade conference to Myrtle Beach," said Gov. Haley. "As hundreds of Canadian companies and corporate executives visit our state, they will see why the Southeastern part of the country is a great area to continue to invest."

"Canada and the U.S. have long enjoyed a robust trade and business relationship," said Ambassador Wilkins. "The fruits of that labor are especially evident here in South Carolina and across the southeastern U.S. But we live in rapidly changing times with a very fragile global economy and major security concerns. Through SEUS-CP, we are making sure we miss no economic development opportunity and never take our bilateral relationship for granted."
